Heart of Cacao : A Shamanic Voyage

Join us for an immersive journey with Heart of Cacao, exploring self-discovery and healing through sacred plant medicine and shamanic sound.
Heart of Cacao : A Shamanic Voyage


An immersive and transformative ceremonial event that invites participants to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and healing through the sacred plant medicine of Cacao and shamanic sound.

Guided by Luke Kalani, this event offers a safe and supportive space for individuals to connect deeply with themselves and the natural world. Participants will explore the depths of their hearts and consciousness, unlocking inner wisdom, emotional healing, and spiritual insight.

You will be transported into a journey of sacred sound and instruments from around the world.

The ceremonial Cacao, known for its heart-opening properties, serves as a catalyst for inner transformation and connection. As participants sip the rich elixir, they are guided on a voyage of self-exploration, releasing blockages, and embracing profound states of love, compassion, and authenticity.


Opens the heart to love and compassion

Supports authentic self-expression and creativity

Encourages release of blockages and transformation

Elevates mood and well-being through sacred sound

Deepens self-awareness and introspection

Promotes emotional healing and release


Prices & Dates


per person


Restful Waters
64 Canns Rd, Bedfordale
Map | Directions

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