Yoga Classes in Bedfordale, Perth

Yoga Classes
in Bedfordale

breathe in, breathe out and let go of stress & anxiety

Our Yoga Studio at Restful Waters

Our warm and inviting yoga studio was built as a sanctuary for anyone wanting to practice yoga south of the river.

We provide yoga classes and retreats that can support you in living a life with balance and resilience.

Restful Waters creates a truly divine ambience within all of its yoga classes and events as the only yoga studio in Perth that has lake vistas on an avocado orchard in the Perth Hills.

About Our Yoga Classes

Our yoga classes are carefully crafted to slow you down and bring your awareness out of the monkey mind and into the senses.

We mostly offer gentle styles of yoga like slow flow, hatha, restorative and yin. Through practice and perseverance with our yoga classes, it is possible to develop a more peaceful way of being in the world.

Yoga can certainly tone and challenge the body, but more importantly it encourages the development of self-awareness. Self-awareness is an amazing tool that can allow you to self-regulate your nervous system to experience more calmness and relaxation throughout your day.

Yoga classes at Restful Waters can help to reduce feelings of overwhelm, stress and anxiety and build resilience and self-acceptance, increasing your overall sense of wellbeing and quality of life.

Styles of Yoga in Our Yoga Classes

We offer a variety of styles of yoga in our yoga classes, mostly focused on gentle movement, mindfulness and self-awareness.

Yin Yoga Classes

Yin yoga classes are a beautiful way to gently stretch out muscles and connective tissues and practice mindfulness meditation. Yin yoga postures are often simple, beginner-friendly and supported with yoga props like blocks, straps and bolsters. As you hold these long and gentle postures, you will be guided to place your awareness on your breath, to witness the sensations of your stretching muscles and then to observe your own reactions to them.

Hatha Yoga Classes

“Ha” means sun, “ta” means moon. “Hatha” means the yoga to bring balance between the sun and the moon energies in us; it is a calling to a perfect balance between body and consciousness. Hatha yoga classes are a blend of short-hold static poses, breathing techniques like pranayama and meditative practices.

Restorative Yoga Classes

Restorative yoga classes are about nourishment, self-love and releasing musculoskeletal tension. This class incorporates props like bolsters, blankets and eye pillows to make you completely comfortable so you can relax deeply. Similar to yin, asanas (poses) are held for long periods in restorative yoga. It is different from yin in that you are encouraged to hold poses without experiencing discomfort. Restorative yoga is suitable for beginners.

Gentle Vinyasa Flow Yoga Classes

Gentle vinyasa flow yoga classes consist of a sequence of poses, bridged together by slow movement to stretch and strengthen the body; it can feel like you flow through the entire class. The breath is harmonised with the movements so that both body and breath can come into union. The movements of a gentle flow yoga practice are less vigorous and intense than a traditional vinyasa flow class.

Book a Yoga Class

You can book a casual (drop-in) class on the timetable below.
To book a full term click here.

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Upcoming Yoga Events & Retreats

Our Yoga Teachers

Diane Jones

Sally Flintoff