Sonic Immersion Sound Bath

Experience a sound bath at Restful Waters' Sonic Immersion. Let the calming frequencies of the instruments guide you to deep relaxation and inner stillness.
Sonic Immersion Sound Bath


Allow a deeply relaxing soundscape to ignite your senses and guide you into absolute peace & bliss as your mind slows down and stills.

The frequencies of instruments like sound bowls and gongs have been used for centuries to support a sense of calm and wellbeing in people.

Join us and melt away with the vibrations of 15+ instruments, and open to the stillness and spaciousness within yourself.

We use a combination of different instruments at each event: including crystal singing bowls, chimes, singing with harmonium, acoustic guitar, gongs, rainsticks, and drums.

The instruments used in Sound Bath have been carefully selected to produce frequencies conducive to relaxation and a calm mind.

Give yourself the gift of peace and allow yourself to find rejuvenation with our 2-hour Sound Bath: Sonic Immersion.

Sonic Immersion Sound Bath takes place at lakeside orchard Restful Waters, frequently said to be deeply calming and soothing by its guests.

Meditation cushions (for laying on), blankets and eye-pillows are freshly provided so you can nestle into a comfortable position whilst being enveloped by earthy harmonies.


Calming frequencies ease tension in body & mind

Deep relaxation may help you sleep better

Gentle vibrations reduce stress & anxiety

Find inner stillness and spaciousness

Ignite senses with 15+ unique instruments

Restore energy & clarity to face life's challenges


Prices & Dates


per person


Restful Waters
64 Canns Rd, Bedfordale
Map | Directions

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